Ripped Freak Fat Burner | Pharmafreak

Ripped Freak Fat Burner | Pharmafreak

- Very Powerful Fat Burning Supplement
- Maximise Intensity, Energy and Strength
- Lower your appetite
- Increased fat loss
NZ$ 42.90
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RIPPED FREAK® is a Hybrid Fat Burner! It’s called a Hybrid Fat Burner becaues it combines multiple mechanisms of action in one unique formula. RIPPED FREAK’s Hybrid formula addresses key fat loss mechanisms in the body! 
"Hybrid Compound" is a term that's been coined by our team of pharmaceutical and organic chemists. A Hybrid is defined as a compound derived from nature that has been organically altered or synthesized to deliver more powerful effects! Incredible Results from RIPPED FREAK Studies!The RIPPED FREAK formula specifically combines key fat-burning ingredients with the methyl gallate ester, which is used in the pharmaceutical industry to provide superior bioavailability and an extended half-life in the body! It is the ability of our chemists to alter and discover these new Hybrid compounds, what that meas is that Pharma Freak immensely powerful fat burning formula

(1) RIPPED FREAK® includes some very unique, never-before-seen ingredients in its formula!
• A unique stimulant extract from Olive leaf called Oleuropein Aglycone (OA), which can support norepinephrine, epinephrine (adrenaline) and uncoupling protein (UCP) levels!
• A one-of-a-kind Red Pepper extract called CH-19 Sweet Red Pepper (0.75% Capsiate), which can support an increase in uncoupling proteins (UCPs) and energy expenditure during exercise!

(2) RIPPED FREAK® only contains a key selection of scientifically researched ingredients!
• Unlike many other fat burners on the market, RIPPED FREAK® does not include tiny amounts of several ingredients in its formula. Instead, RIPPED FREAK® contains a critically selected group of key ingredients!

(3) One RIPPED FREAK® capsule is all you need!
• RIPPED FREAK® is so powerful that 1 hybrid capsule is all you need per serving!

With so many new research findings every year, it's hard to keep up-to-date with the latest in supplement science. That being said, if your goal is to develop a ripped-to-the-bone physique, then the right supplements can go a long way in helping you maximize fat loss! So, what are some of the most effective fat-burning compounds currently available on the market? Well, the latest research is pointing directly at some newly created ingredients called "hybrid lipolytic compounds." You're probably wondering what the heck are "hybrid lipolytic compounds" and how are they going to help you increase fat loss? Well, read on and get the inside scoop on this latest innovation in fat-loss supplementation!

What Exactly is a Hybrid Compound?

"Hybrid Compound" is a term that's been coined by a team of leading pharmaceutical and organic chemists working in the sports supplement industry. A hybrid is defined as a compound derived from nature that's been organically altered or synthesized to deliver more powerful effects! The first class of hybrid compounds ever created is a group of fat-loss ingredients that have been bonded to the methyl gallate ester. When bonded to established fat-burning ingredients, the methyl gallate ester provides several key advantages!

An Inside Look at the Methyl Gallate Ester

The methyl gallate ester increases the effectiveness of ingredients in two unique ways, (1) it increases their bioavailability, and 2) it extends their active half-life in the body. You see, the introduction of a methyl group to a fat-burning compound has the ability to increase its lipophilicity. In laymen's terms, this means the compound has a greater ability to penetrate fatty membranes. Since the biological membranes (walls) of all cells in the human body are made up of fat the methyl gallate ester will increase the absorption of ingredients into target cells resulting in greater fat loss effects!

The methyl gallate ester also increases the bioavailability of ingredients through another distinct mechanism. It has the ability to inhibit the enzymes responsible for compound biotransformation in the gut. As you may already know, many supplements are degraded in the stomach immediately after they're ingested, so they have little (if any) affect on fat loss in the body. Since the methyl gallate ester inhibits degradation of ingredients in the gut, they can be more effectively absorbed and distributed throughout the body to their target tissues. This means more powerful effects and a greater impact on total fat burning capacity!

RIPPED FREAK™ - The World's First Hybrid Fat Burner

PharmaFreak Technologies Inc. is the first company to introduce "hybrid lipolytic compounds" to the market with the launch of RIPPED FREAK™. The PharmaFreak R&D team is the first to discover the benefits of using the methyl gallate ester and have combined it with key fat-burning compounds found only in the RIPPED FREAK formula! On top of that, the RIPPED FREAK formula also contains five newly discovered methylated derivatives of (-)-epigallocatechin-3-O-gallate (EGCG) from green tea extract. As already explained, the methyl groups increase the lipophilicity and absorption into target cells, making the five EGCG derivatives found in RIPPED FREAK superior to the regular form of EGCG found in all other fat burners!

The Final Word on Fat Loss

Now that you understand the latest research behind these unique hybrid-drug compounds you'll definitely want to include them in your fat-fighting arsenal. Just remember, RIPPED FREAK is the only product on the market that contains the methyl gallate esters - don't be fooled by cheap imitations or knock-offs! Give RIPPED FREAK a try. After just one dose you'll quickly begin to realize just how powerful it really is!

Single Serve: 1 Capsule taken with 500ml of water on an empty stomach. Take 1-2 Capsules a day:
When to take: Take one serving first thing in the morning / 30 minutes before your workout. If you do have a second serving, take it mid afternoon / 30 minutes before your workout.

Ripped Freak is very powerful, so we recommend to only take 1 capsule per day. Work up to 2 pills after a week if you feel the need.

Recommended to drink 2.5 liters of water a day and to avoid extra caffeine within a few hours of consuming. This supplement is designed for people doing proper exercise and is to be taken before exercise.

Not recommended within 6 hours of sleeping. Read the instructions clearly and follow all warnings. Not intended for users under 18. Certian ingredients may not be allowed in some sports organisations. 

Supplement Facts
Serving size: 1 Hybrid Capsule
Servings Per
Container: 60
Methyl EGCG™ (EGCG Derivative Stack) (Green Tea Extract/Camellia sinensis)
-epigallocatechin-3-0-(3-0-methyl)gallate ester (EGCG 3' Me)
-epigallocatechin-3-0-(3-0-methyl)gallate ester (EGCG 4' Me)
-4'-0-methyl-epigallocatechin-3-0-gallate ester(EGCG 4' Me)
-epigallocatechin-3-0-(3,4-0-methyl)gallate ester (EGCG 3' '4' 'diMe)
-4'-0-methyl-epigallocatechin-3-0-(4-0-methyl)gallate ester (EGCG 4'4' 'diMe)
Oleuropein Aglycone (Olive Leaf Extract/Olea europaea)
1,3,7-trimethyl-1H-purine-2,6(3H,7H)-dione Methyl Gallate Ester (Caffine) (Coffee arabica, Whole Bean)
Red Pepper Ester Stack
(CH-19 Sweet Red Pepper Extract/Capsicum annum, Fruit) (0.75% Capsiate)
4-Hydroxy-3-Methoxybenzyl (E)-8Methyl-6-Nonenoate Ester
4-Hydroxy-3-Methoxybenzyl 8-Methyl-Nonanoate Ester
4-Hydroxy-3-Methoxybenzyl  7-Methyl-Nonanoate Ester

4-(4-Hydroxyphenyl)-2-methyl ethyl ketone (Raspberry Ketone)
4-(4-Hydroxyphenyl)-2-butanone Methyl Gallate Ester (Raspberry Ketone - Gallic Acid)
 Other Ingredients: gelatine, magnesium stearate